Question: Why are you anonymous?

Answer: While some of our writers are able to live openly as queer, many of us are not. Each of us has different reasons for remaining anonymous at this time. Some of us are in the process of coming out to our friends and family and will soon be out. Some would lose friendships and family relationships. Some would lose their job and/or be expelled. Every person in the closet has their own set of reasons for being so. We do not yet live in a world where we can all be open about who we are without facing serious repercussions, especially for those of us from very conservative backgrounds and with ties to Patrick Henry College.

Question: How do we know that you are who you say you are, and not someone pretending to be from PHC, or a member of the PHC Admin trying to lure LGBTQ students into identifying themselves?

Answer: This is a question we used to get a lot, but now that some of our writers are actually out, hopefully this issue won’t come up as much. In the past, one of our contributors met with David Weintraub from Equality Loudoun, so that he could vouch for our legitimacy as students who attended Patrick Henry. For those worried that this is a scheme of the PHC administration, Sydney Roe is both a graduate of Patrick Henry and is writing on this blog under her own name, and she is happy to vouch for the rest of us.

Question: Is QueerPHC affiliated with or endorsed by Patrick Henry College?

Answer: We are not affiliated with Patrick Henry College, and Patrick Henry College does not endorse QueerPHC. We exist to encourage other LGBTQ+ students and to critique the ideas and message of the college on LGBTQ+ related topics, both in accordance with our faith beliefs and as culturally engaged members of society exercising our First Amendment rights, as we were so often encouraged to do by our professors.

Question: Is it safe to access this blog from the PHC campus?

Answer: At one point, the PHC administration had blocked our site from the school’s servers, but due to external and internal pressure, the site was unblocked some time ago. Currently it remains unblocked and it is unlikely that students reading the blog would encounter any issues with the administration. However, if you are a student and are not comfortable accessing our blog from PHC’s network, we recommend that you either view the blog while off campus or else use a smartphone with a data connection.

Question: I want to submit a post, but I’m not ready to come out yet. How can I keep my identity private? 

Answer: We respect your decisions regarding your coming out timeline, and will not divulge your identity without express permission from you. If you email us with a post submission, and request anonymity, we will honor that. If you have another reason for remaining anonymous, let us know, and we’ll try to work something out. If, for ethical reasons or for some other reason, we feel that we cannot publish a particular post anonymously, we will simply not publish the post at all. Your privacy is of paramount importance to us.

Question: I want to contact you to ask a question or submit a post, but I don’t want you to know who I am. How do I do that? 

Answer: We recommend creating or using an email address that does not identify you in any way, and emailing us from that address. Again, we respect your privacy, and will not attempt to coerce or manipulate you into divulging your identity to us. We will never expose the identity of a commenter, contributor, questioner, or someone just saying hi, without first obtaining their express permission. QPHC should be a safe space for our readers.

Question: Are comments open to anyone?

Answer: Yes. We do not require those who comment to submit a name or email address. We want anyone to feel comfortable letting us know what they think.

Question: Can I submit a guest post or ask that you address a specific issue?

Answer: You certainly can. We welcome both guest posts and requests for us to cover specific issues. You can remain completely anonymous, use a pseudonym, or use your real name in submitting a guest post.

Question: What kind of posts are you looking for?

Answer: We’re looking for queer-positive posts that would be relevant to LGBTQ students and alumni at PHC. Commentary on LGBTQ news, encouragement for closeted students, analysis of queer theory or theology, or personal stories of your interactions with PHC staff and students are all potentially great post material. We also welcome posts from those outside of the LGBTQ and/or PHC communities. If you’re unsure whether your post would fit on QPHC, just ask us.

If you have a good question that we did not address in this FAQ page, email it to queerphc[at]gmail[dot]com, and we will add it.