


LGBTQ History Month

LGBTQ+ History: Xavier Bettel

For October 3rd, LGBT History Month spotlights Xavier Bettel, current Prime Minister of Luxembourg. Bettel has been influential in educational reforms that emphasize teaching ethics rather than religion in schools. When he was elected in 2013, Bettel became Luxembourg's first openly... Continue Reading →

LGBTQ+ History: Josephine Baker

LGBT History Month's highlight for October 2nd is Josephine Baker (1906-1975), a bisexual African-American actress, singer, and entertainer. Born into a poor family in St. Louis, Missouri, Baker left the United States for Paris in the 1920's because of racial... Continue Reading →

LGBTQ+ History: Virginia Apuzzo

For October 1st, LGBT History Month features Virginia (Ginny) Apuzzo (b. 1941), an LGBT activist who co-authored the first gay and lesbian civil rights plank for the Democratic Party in 1980. Apuzzo joined the Sisters of Charity in the Bronx in 1967 when... Continue Reading →

LGBT History Month

Every October in the United States, we celebrate LGBT History Month. This coincides with National Coming Out Day, which is October 11th. I'll be honest. Until fairly recently, I did not know this was a thing. Any of it. I... Continue Reading →

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